Galyan's Trading Company - 2002

    Note that these responses are not official additions to the questions; only explanations of what is required to answer them. Be sure you read the question and understand it fully before answering.

Questions 1A & 2A. Should these be quotes from the case?

    No. You need to arrange, in sequence, the steps in the application (ALL of them). This will require you to infer certain steps and pull together information from various parts of the case along with common sense knowledge about what would have to be present in such an application to arrive at the outputs that are mentioned. Be sure to differentiate between steps stated in the case (reference) and those your infer (I infer this is happening because of ...).
    If you just give me quotes from the case, you will lose at least half the points. You must think and show me you actually understand this application and how it works. Also do not confuse the two applications. Although they are related, they are separate and have their own steps.

Questions 1B, 1C & 2B. Any suggestions on how to answer this?

I suggest that you (1) define the term, (2) state your answer, and (3) relate the facts in the case to the specific elements of the definition to support your answer. Include specific examples, if appropriate.

Questions 1D, 2C & 3C. How do I support them?, based on advantages and disadvantages?  With facts and recommendations?

   These questions are a very important part of the course. They relate to your being able to relate the theory in the course (the first part of each of those questions) to a practical application. Just re-listing the advantages or disadvantages from an earlier part is not the question. Put yourself in the position of someone working for the company. Did the company make the right choice or not? Why?
    You need to relate the company's specific situation at that time to the particular approach. For example, what were their goals? how much time did they have? what were they trying to accomplish? were particular disadvantages or advantages of great importance to them? why? How did each of these things relate to the approach they chose.
    Also, and obvious, the same support is not going to work for the three different questions. Be specific.

Questions 4B & 4C.

Note that the question says "for communications" not just using the Internet. Be sure to be specific to this company and application. Generic answers from the book are not acceptable.

- 07/30/2004 last updated 08/07/2004 -


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