Westye Group - Midwest - 2005

1. The company selected a package rather than develop an in-house solution.

A. Review the recommended process for selection of an applications software package and for each step, indicate what the company did in that step. Be specific and complete. If nothing was done in a specific step, clearly state and support that. You must address every step, each separately.

B. List and briefly explain at least three specific additional things that the company could have done that would have improved the selection process. For each, support how your proposed addition would have improved the process at this specific company. None of these should overlap with or be the same as any answers to later questions.

2. Package versus custom development

A. List and briefly support at least four specific advantages of a package versus developing a custom system for this company.

B. List and briefly support at least four specific disadvantages of a package versus developing a custom system for this company.

C. Do you think selection of the Navision package was a better solution than custom development for this company in this application? Fully support your position.

3. The company’s old “MAPICS” was a part of an ERP package. Rather than go to Navision, the company could have implemented more modules from the same ERP system.

A. List and briefly support at least four specific advantages of Navision versus adding more ERP modules for this company.

B. List and briefly support at least four specific disadvantages of Navision versus adding more ERP modules for this company.

C. Do you think selection of the Navision package was a better solution than implementing more ERP modules for this company in this application? Fully support your position.

4. It is generally recommended that packages not be customized. In this case, extensive customization was completed.

 A. List and briefly support at least four specific positives of customization of Navision for this company.

 B. List and briefly support at least four specific negatives of customization of Navision for this company.

5. The case states that the system provides “real-time data access.”

A. Using the definitions from class, does this phrase in general (not specifically in this case) mean the same thing as “online input” plus “online processing?” Support your answer fully.

B. In this particular case, does the company have “online input” plus “online processing?” Support your answer fully with information from the case.

- Q1 – 9/16/2007 -


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Copyright © 2007 Raymond S. Kulzick - Last modified: September 13, 2008