Bristol-Myers Squibb

    Note that these responses are not official additions to the questions; only explanations of what is required to answer them. Be sure you read the question and understand it fully before answering.

2. Any suggestions for question 2?

Start each part with the definition, then explain the specific company application. Finally, show how the application meets the definition.

3. C&D. For question # 3, the case does not clearly state the advantages and disadvantages for the company in outsourcing, should I incorporate those from the text, p. 381-382?

No, a theory answer from the book is not acceptable. You must think this through and come up with specific advantages and disadvantages for this particular company and this particular application.

4. B. In question # 4, am I to address the web based application in general or the web based application moving one customer at a time.

The second, web-based one-at-a-time.

- 09/27/00 - Last revised 12/05/01 -


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