History Overview - Managers Before Management


Egypt (2500 BC)

            - 17 grades of management

            - Functional plus geographic division with some duplicated functions

Sumer/Babylon/Assyria (3000 BC ++)

            - Great traders

            - By 2000 BC had developed formal partnerships

Tyre/Sidon (1000 BC)

            - Established multinational government/religion/business

            - Structures developed to support extensive trade

Greece (500 BC)

Rome (200 BC)

China (221 BC)

            - United in Qin empire

            - Civil service and large bureaucracy

            - lasted until 1911


            - Middle ages (500), church and monks

            - Italy (1000), Renaissance

            - Florence (1500) Medici, first professional, formally-trained managers

Japan (1600)

            - Unified, rise of clan businesses

Industrialization (1775 +)

            - Rise of factory system


Source:  Witzel, Morgen. (2002). Builders and dreamers: The making and meaning of management. London: Financial Times / Prentice Hall.

- R. S. Kulzick - 2/17/2003 -


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