Philip Kotler

1. "Good companies will meet needs, great companies will create markets."

    A. What did Kotler mean by this?
    B. Relate this to American Express. Be specific.
    C. Relate this to Mary Kay

2. Is marketing a cost or an investment? Be specific in supporting your position.

3. Kotler says that great marketing companies remain leaders by continuously introducing new sets of values.

    A. What does he mean by this? Be specific.
    B. Isn't introducing new values destructive of existing brand equity? Discuss fully.
    C. Does this idea apply to Mary Kay? How and when?

4. How can Kotler say more companies should cut their advertising expenditures? Isn't this contrary to basic marketing theory? How or how not? 

- R. S. Kulzick - Q1 - 1/30/2003 -


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