McCormick & Ford


1. Both McCormick and Ford created new industries in their times.

    A. What kinds of environmental factors defined their times?
        1. McCormick
        2. Ford
    B. What about these factors were they able to successfully exploit?
        1. McCormick
        2. Ford

2. Take the computer industry in today's world as an example.

    A. What type of computer, sold to whom, on what basis is a parallel for McCormick? Why?
    B. What's the parallel for Ford? Why?

3. The traditional innovation cycle is linear (create the product, make the product, sell the product - in that order). Current thinking is that all three need to be involved simultaneously and with close communication throughout the product development life cycle.

    A. How did McCormick approach innovation? Why do you think he did it that way?
    B. How did Ford? Why?

4. Marketing, distribution and pricing were important to each company's success.

    A. How did McCormick approach each of these? Why did it work for him?
    B. Same questions for Ford.

 - R. S. Kulzick - Q1 - 12/13/2002 -


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