Henry Mintzberg

1. Mintzberg sees three problems with strategic planning as currently done.

    A. What are those problems?
    B. Compare how Kroc planned in the early stages.
    C. Compare how Ogilvy planned in the early stages.

2. Mintzberg has some specific ideas on management education.

    A. What does he see as wrong with most programs?
    B. Compare his views to Wheatley

3. What managers do.

    A. Is there a conflict between what managers do and what they should do?
    B. How does this relate to what Mintzberg says about strategy?
    C. Are there any practical ways this can be resolved in the real world?

- R. S. Kulzick - 1/26/2003 -


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Copyright © 2003 Raymond S. Kulzick - Last modified: September 13, 2008