Example of Mission, Objectives, Strategies, and Medium-Term Plan


It is important that the various parts of the strategic plan be hierarchical, as well as clearly related and supportive of each other. The following example illustrates this.

Mission (excerpt):

"…provides a personalized and caring environment."

Long-term Objectives:

    1. Maintain the current personalized and caring environment for students.
    2. Provide educational opportunities and financial support for highly motivated students whose access to higher education is restricted by social, cultural and economic conditions.

Long-term Strategies:

1A. Provide training and adequate academic and administrative staff, systems and policies to maintain the current level of personalized student attention in fixed medallion programs.

1B. Assure adequate training, staff, systems and policies to provide sufficient differentiation in the area of personalized student attention in variable medallion programs.

2A. Structure admissions requirements to academic programs to provide opportunities to those whose access to higher education is restricted.

2B. Provide a minimum of 5% of fixed medallion revenues to support scholarships based on financial need in those programs.

Medium-term Plan:

Define on a year-by-year basis over the next five years what specific new or ongoing programs, activities and actions the University will use to implement each of the long-term strategies.

Specific actions, outcomes and responsible parties need to be identified, as well as estimated annual costs and revenues.

Different types of plans may be needed for new strategies, strategies representing declining commitments, strategies representing expanding commitments, and for status quo continuing strategies.

The medium-term plan needs to be realistic, obtainable and reflect financial stability. It also needs to include all aspects of the University, since it reflects the University’s total plan (and total budget).

2/6/98 - R. S. Kulzick


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Copyright © 1999 Raymond S. Kulzick - Last modified: September 13, 2008