Nestlé - 2006

1. Nestlé moved from fourteen (14) SAP R/2 ERP systems to the MySAP system.

            List and explain each major difference between the old and new systems as described in the case (do not research this). At a minimum discuss differences in how the systems work (hardware, software, communications), where the data is stored, the capabilities, and user requirements.

2. User and top management involvement in the development stages.

            A. Specifically review the degree of top management involvement in the development of this system (not implementation). Be complete.

            B. What additional specific types of top management involvement would you have recommended for the development phases of this system at this company? Discuss at least two specific areas/types of involvement and support your answer fully.

            C. Specifically review the degree of user involvement in the development of this system (not implementation). Be complete.

            D. What additional specific types of user involvement would you have recommended for the development phases of this system at this company? Discuss at least two specific areas/types of involvement and support your answer fully.

3. Cutover.

            A. What method of cutover was used? Support your position fully, including specific reference to the definition for that type of cutover.

            B. Was this method of cutover best for this company for this application? Would another method have been better? If so, what method? Support your answer fully and completely.

4. Databases

            A. Under the old system, were the databases centralized or distributed? Support your answer. If distributed, explain and support the specific approach to distribution.

            B. Under the new system, were the databases centralized or distributed? Support your answer. If distributed, explain and support the specific approach to distribution.

5. System objectives - The system objectives were repeatedly changed.

            A. List each specific objective (in chronological order) with the date of the objective.

            B. Was it justifiable to keep changing the objectives? Fully support your position.

6. Business value

            This system had a high cost. Was it worth it to this company at this time? Yes or no. Be specific in supporting your position. Highlight the most important reasons why or why not in your discussion. This must be organized and rational.

 See FAQ for answers to frequently asked questions about this case.

- Q1 - R. S. Kulzick - 3/06/2006 -


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