Bristol-Myers Squibb
Case Questions


1. On page 49, top of column 2, the company lists three specific goals for its Internet expansion.

  1. For each goal, clearly state whether or not this goal has been accomplished (in whole or in part). If you say yes, you must document with specific applications how the goal has been accomplished (and to what extent). If you say no, you must support why not. Include only systems that are up and running, not those that are planned.
  2. For each goal, clearly and specifically state any planned applications that could lead to further accomplishment of that goal. If there are none, support your position.

2. Internet, intranet, extranet.

  1. Discuss fully a specific application involving the Internet at Bristol-Myers Squibb.
  2. Discuss fully a specific application involving an intranet at Bristol-Myers Squibb.
  3. Discuss fully a specific application involving an extranet at Bristol-Myers Squibb.

3. In relation to the Clairol unit’s supply chain application, which uses a third-party provider:

  1. Specifically what was outsourced to the third party. Be specific and complete. Support your answer.
  2. What specifically in this application was not outsourced?
  3. List at least four specific advantages to this company of outsourcing this application
  4. List at least four specific disadvantages to this company of outsourcing this application.

4. In terms of the company’s EDI links with its customers:

  1. Explain the difference between traditional EDI and web-based applications. Be specific.
  2. They are changing over from traditional EDI to a web-based system one customer at a time. Is this wise? You must support your answer fully.

See FAQ for answers to frequently asked questions about this case.

 - Modified 11/26/00 – Q1 -


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