Can I Stop My Computer From Crashing?

The dreaded blue screen often seems to appear at the worst possible time. You've just completed an important memo or report that hasn't been saved yet and the system locks up. It's a frustrating reality.

The Windows® operating system has been so prone to frequent failures that most everyone has accepted this big time waster (and major hidden cost) as normal - something you have to live with. But do you? Can these crashes and lockups be prevented (or at least reduced)?

Microsoft advises you to buy the new XP for all your machines. See our earlier article on why this is not a good answer for most of our clients and how it could create more problems than it solves. If XP isn't a solution - at least not for now, what is?

It is important to recognize that some crashes probably are inevitable; it is prohibitively expensive to eliminate them entirely. Crashes can be greatly reduced, however through proper preventive maintenance and planned upgrades for both hardware and software.

Preventive maintenance. Periodic fine-tuning, performance benchmarking, anti-virus scans, hardware testing, and general removal of accumulated buildup of "junk" on your computer can have a dramatic effect. This not only reduces crashes, but improves the speed of your computer. You probably don't notice it, but the actual operating speed of your computer steadily declines as these problems continuously accumulate and overload its built-in potential processing speed.

Software upgrades. Software upgrades should be planned carefully and properly installed. Generally, the old version should be removed before the new one is installed. Software that tracks installations can be helpful in this process.

Hardware upgrades. PCs have a relatively short real-world life. Because of increasing software demands, it is essential that your hardware be kept up-to-date. In general, studies have indicated that large companies can keep costs lowest by replacing all PCs on a three-year cycle. Our experience is that small businesses probably can get five years of use from their PCs by rotating machines between users and doing some hardware upgrades at about the two-year and four-year points.

The very nature of machines means that computer problems will never be completely eliminated. But, with proper maintenance, your PCs and networks can work faster and more reliably. We provide a full range of computer and network services. Call today for more information on how we can help you get more from your computers.

Related Information:
        Microsoft XP - Should You Upgrade?
        Network Management Advantages
        Network Management Services
        QuickBooks and Peachtree Support Overview
        Services Available
        Small Business Services

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Copyright © 2001 Kulzick Associates, PA - Last modified: September 13, 2008