Course Competencies
ACC 543 - 11/A2

Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

Data Analysis Techniques and Methods

1.      Discuss fraud in general, its causes, and the general allegations flowchart for fraud investigation. (C1)
    Fraud Definitions
    Legal Elements of Typical Criminal Frauds

2.      Explain the requirements of SIAS #3 and SAS #99 as well as SAS #94 and SAS #31 (including SAS#80). (C2)
    Key Conditions for Detecting Fraud
    Symptoms of Fraud
    Accounting Standards for Fraud

3.      Define CAATTs and relate their use in audits to the standards above as well as to SAS #56. (C3)
    Accounting Standards for Fraud

4.      Understand how the use of CAATTs is dependent on the type of IS environment. (C3)
Fraud Considerations When Obtaining Data

5.      Fully explain and be able to create a fraud investigation plan utilizing CAATTs. (C3)

6.      Discuss each of the steps in the CAATTs checklist process. (C4)

7.      Explain the various file issues involved with different file attributes, structures, databases, and their relationship to the successful use of CAATTs in a particular instance. (C4)
    Distributed Databases
    Files and Databases - Obtaining Information

8.      Discuss the various approaches to an initial understanding of the data, including:  Assessing the completeness of the data, filter or display criteria, using equations, gaps, statistical analysis, duplicates, and sorting and indexing. (C5)
    Data Analysis Steps

    Files and Databases - Obtaining Information

9.      Discuss the various approaches to providing an overview of the data, including: Summarization, stratification, and cross tabs and pivot tables. (C6)
Data Reliability in Fraud Investigations

10.  Discuss the various approaches to working with the data, including: Aging and join and relation. (C7)

11.  Discuss the various approaches to analyzing trends in the data, including: Trend analysis, regression analysis, and parallel simulation. (C8)

12.  Understand and be able to apply the appropriate analysis techniques within the various accounting cycles when there are known symptoms (or allegations) of fraud. (C9)

13.  Understand and be able to apply the appropriate digital analysis techniques when symptoms of fraud are unknown, including: Data profiling, ratio and variance analysis, and Benford’s Law. (C10)
Digital Analysis for Unknown Fraud Symptoms

14.  Explain the appropriate use of scripts and templates in auditing, investigations, and as a part of a proactive fraud prevention program. (C11)

14A. Discuss the various approaches available for verifying the results of analysis and including when their use would be appropriate. (C12)

Related Areas

15.  Explain how changes in business processes and the legal environment effect the use of CAATTs. (lecture)
    Summary of changes to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 12/01/2006
    Electronic Discovery Reference Model
    Full text with notes of changes to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure re: Electronic Evidence 12/2006.

    Five common legal terms IT should know
    Roadmap to eDiscovery

16. Understand the difference between an external audit, an internal audit, a fraud investigation, and other types of forensic uses. Discuss the impact of these differences on the appropriate use of CAATTs. (lecture)
    The 2006 Internal Auditor Software Survey Results

    Categories of Fraud Investigation

17.  Discuss the general topic of computer crime and computer fraud. (lecture)
    Computer Crime
    Evaluation of Biometric Techniques
    Types of Computer Fraud

18.  Understand the practice and capabilities of computer forensics, including general approaches, tools, and various sources of information. (lecture)
Computer Forensics
    Forensic Science, IT and Accounting

18A. Familiar with various types of software tools utilized in forensic accounting. (lecture)
Forensic Tools

18B. Explain the use of CAATs in proactive fraud prevention. (lecture)
    Proactive Fraud Detection Program

18C. Discuss current computer issues and trends related to computer auditing and investigation. (lecture)
Employee Monitoring

ACL Application

19.  Develop an overall understanding of the ACL software, including accessing data, appropriately analyzing data for both audit and investigative purposes, and generating reports.

20.  Be able to apply ACL software in a variety of case situations for both audit and investigative purposes.

IDEA Application

21.  Develop an overall understanding of the IDEA software, including accessing data, appropriately analyzing data for both audit and investigative purposes, and generating reports.
    Helpful @ Functions in IDEA

22.  Be able to apply IDEA software in a variety of case situations for both audit and investigative purposes.
    IDEA - FAQs

General Application

23.  Diagnose specific case situations, determine appropriate approaches, develop analyses, and present quality reports.

24.  Prepare and professionally present relevant and appropriate questions on various data analysis and techniques application areas.

25.  Prepare and professionally present elements of an engagement.

- last revised 3/13/2011 -


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