Delta Air Lines
Case Questions

Note: Use information from the attached article regarding Delta only. General information and information regarding other companies, while interesting, should not be used in answering the questions below that are specific to Delta.

1. For each of the following types of information systems, indicate whether or not it is present at Delta. Give clear examples and provide credible support. If you say it is present, you need specific examples. If you say it is not present, you must support why you feel it is not.

  1. Transaction Processing Systems (TPS).
  2. Office Automation Systems (OAS).
  3. Management Information Systems (MIS).
  4. Decision Support Systems (DSS).
  5. Executive Support Systems (ESS).

2. Is the system described a strategic information system? If you say yes, you must explain specifically what the strategic advantage is and how the system provides it. If you say no, you must fully support why the system is not strategic. You must use the criteria discussed in class and fully support your answer.

3. Application systems: 

  1. Draw a diagram showing the various different application systems. Be complete and include all systems mentioned in the article. Show how the information flows between the systems and how they are interconnected.
  2. Briefly explain what each system is and what it does. Use numbers to identify it on your diagram.
  3. For each information flow between systems, explain what specific information is flowing. Identify with letters keyed to your diagram.

 4. Zero latency: 

  1. Explain in no more than two sentences what "zero latency" means. Be clear and do not just copy something from the article.
  2. List and briefly explain at least five specific advantages of zero latency as implemented by Delta Air Lines.
  3. List and briefly explain at least five specific disadvantages of zero latency as implemented by Delta Air Lines.

See FAQ for answers to frequently asked questions about this case.

 - R. S. Kulzick - Q2 - modified 12/19/99 -


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