Hilton Hotels - 2000
Case Questions


1. In reference to the booking of reservations by an individual:

A. Explain how the system works. Be complete and include all features in this specific application.

B. Support at least one additional major feature that should be added to this application.

2. In reference to the business-to-business extranet / intranet application:

A. Explain how this application works. Be complete and include all features in this specific application. Be sure to clearly define how this application differs from that discussed in #1.

B. Support at least one additional major feature that should be added to this application.

3. In reference to the procurement application:

A. Explain how the system works. Be complete and include all features in this specific application.

B. Support at least one additional major feature that should be added to this application.

4. In terms of the three major applications defined above, are any of these a strategic information system? If you say yes, you must explain specifically what the strategic advantage is and how the system provides it. If you say no, you must fully support why the system is not strategic. You must use the criteria discussed in class and fully support your answer.

See FAQ for answers to frequently asked questions about this case.

 - R. S. Kulzick - Q1 - 09/09/01 -


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2001 Raymond S. Kulzick - Last modified: September 13, 2008